Book List

Reading is such an important part of our life.

Books will always bring joy and value to our family, no matter how minimalistic we become.

Over the past 4 years, I have donated over 400 books.  Some of those books were ones I purchased with best of intentions but never got around to reading.  Some were books that were read and enjoyed but we were ready to part with.  We still have many books.  The books we chose to keep are ones that have been read multiple times or are valuable for our homeschool life.


We do buy the children certain books.

Lucas and Jack both really like Geronimo Stilton, Dogman, Captain Underpants, and Pokemon manga.  Many of the boys’ books have been read numerous times by each child.  Ian is in the process of learning to read.  He wants to be able to read to himself instead of having his brother read these stories to him.  These books are well read and have definitely added value to our home.

We also have a huge collection of picture books.  Most of these books were mine or my husband’s growing up.  These books are full of memories and we enjoy reading them on a daily basis to our children.


Books and Minimalism

For most of our books, we now opt to read ebooks or borrow books from the library.  I received a Kindle for Christmas, and have subscribed to Kindle Unlimited.  As a busy mom, with a toddler who loves to pull out bookmarks, I am finding great joy in the convenience of the eReader.  I can put my book down beside me and not have to worry about my bookmark being found a few hours later in the toybox.



2018 Book Goals

In 2018, my goal is to read 52 books.  This works out to be a book a week, though at the rate I am going I will be able to take my time on longer books and not worry about not reaching my goal.  I am also encouraging my boys to join in with the 52 books.

As we read books, and as we find books we want to read, we will be updating this page.  We want to be able to share with you our love of books.

I will be writing reviews for some of the books down below, others will just be links to where you can find the books.

If you have any suggestions for books for us, we would love to hear about it!

Please contact us and let us know!


Amy’s Book List

  1. The No-Spend Challenge Guide (review)
  2. Minimalism
  3. Lift Like A Girl
  4. Radical Unschooling
  5. Wonder (review)
  6. Whole Body Barefoot (review)
  7. A Green Guide to Natural Beauty
  8. Eating Purely: More Than 100 All-Natural, Organic, Gluten-Free Recipes for a Healthy Life
  9. Fix-It and Forget-It Healthy Slow Cooker Cookbook: 150 Whole Food Recipes for Paleo, Vegan, Gluten-Free, and Diabetic-Friendly Diets
  10. Naturally Nourished
  11. Your Brain On Nature
  12. Zero Waste: Simple Live Hacks To Drastically Reduce Your Trash
  13. Habit Stacking (review)


To Read Book List

  1. The 30-Day Productivity Plan
  2. To-Do List Formula
  3. The Joy of Imperfection
  4. Millionaire Success Habits
  5. Declutter Your Mind
  6. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  7. Natural Born Learners
  8. Practically Green
  9. Zero Waste Home
  10. Be More With Less
  11. Let It Go


Lucas’ Book List

  1. Meet the Bigfeet (The Yeti Files #1)
  2. Remy Sneakers vs. the Robo-Rats (Remy Sneakers #1)
  3. Beast Quest: Quarg the Stone Dragon
  4. Crazy, Totally Awesome Facts
  5. The Wither King: Wither War Book One: A Far Lands Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter’s Adventure
  6. Billy and the Mini Monsters Monsters Go Party!
  7. Billy and the Mini Monsters Monsters on the Move
  8. Beast Quest: Kyrax The Metal Warrior
  9. How to Tame a Triceratops (Dino Riders)
  10. Thea Stilton and the Legend of the Fire Flowers: A Geronimo Stilton Adventure
  11. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Vol. 5
  12. Summer Freeze! (You Choose Stories: Batman)

Jack’s Book List

  1. Meet the Bigfeet (The Yeti Files #1)
  2. Remy Sneakers vs. the Robo-Rats (Remy Sneakers #1)
  3. Beast Quest: Quarg the Stone Dragon
  4. Billy and the Mini Monsters Monsters Go Party!
  5. Billy and the Mini Monsters Monsters on the Move
  6. Beast Quest: Kyrax The Metal Warrior
  7. How to Tame a Triceratops (Dino Riders)
  8. Thea Stilton and the Legend of the Fire Flowers: A Geronimo Stilton Adventure
  9. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Vol. 5
  10. Summer Freeze! (You Choose Stories: Batman)

Ian’s Book List

  1. Get Up, Rick!
  2. Digger The Dinosaur
  3. What’s That, Mittens?
  4. Tiny Goes To The Library
  5. Fidgety Fish
  6. Nelly Gnu and Daddy Too
  7. Crazy, Totally Awesome Facts
  8. I Can Run (I Like to Read)
  9. Pete the Cat: Five Little Ducks
  10. Duck, Duck, Moose!
  11. Play With Blue
  12. Buzz, Bee!

Walter’s Book List

  1. Get Up, Rick!
  2. Digger The Dinosaur
  3. What’s That, Mittens?
  4. Tiny Goes To The Library
  5. Fidgety Fish
  6. Nelly Gnu and Daddy Too
  7. I Can Run (I Like to Read)
  8. Pete the Cat: Five Little Ducks
  9. Duck, Duck, Moose!
  10. Play With Blue