Meet Amethyst

Hello! My name is Amethyst.
I am a mom to four boys with a passion for lifelong learning and the environment.
Nourishing Parenting is about sharing my experience as an
I focus on topics such as unschooling, minimalism as a large family, and low waste living.
By sharing these experiences and topics, I hope to inspire you to be the best parent, and human, you could possibly be. We all have the desire to live our best lives, but sometimes we need some inspiration and motivation when our dreams do not match up to mainstream standards.
This is why I am sharing.
I wanted someone to look up to who shared similar philosophies and dreams. I couldn’t find that person so I decided to become that person to inspire myself and inspire others.
If you want to connect with me, please reach out on social media or send me an email!
If you want to read more about my personal journey as an individual, not as a mom, check out Hedgerow Homestead.
If you would like more spiritually-minded content, check out my site Nourishing Existence!