Questions For A Homeschool Mom
There are so many misconceptions about what homeschooling really is. The main reason for these misconceptions is that all homeschoolers are lumped together into one big category when, in reality, there are so many different types of homeschooling and homeschoolers. We are life learners or unschoolers. This does not mean that we do not educate our children. That is a misconception for another post. We do educate our children, just not in a very obvious way. There is no desk work, no worksheets, no classroom. Learning encompasses our entire life, and we learn through being apart of the world around us. I was recently invited to do a video collaboration on YouTube. …
Top 3 Reasons Why We Homeschool
Making the decision to homeschool can be a hard decision to make. For some, it is a no-brainer. Perhaps you were homeschooled and it just makes sense in your mind and heart for you to homeschool your children. Perhaps it has always been how you wanted to teach your children. For others, deciding to homeschool can be a difficult decision. There are many factors that go into the decision-making process. We weighed the pros and the cons but knew deep in our hearts that we were destined to be homeschoolers. What are our reasons? Being There For Milestones Many parents think of milestones for their babies. Once they get to…