Welcome Back

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it has been a while…

Burn out is real.
Exhaustion is real.

So often, we push ourselves beyond where we should in order to reach our goals. We ignore the signs that our bodies are sending us and just keep going.

That is what I did.

Last year, I was working with the Homeschool Review Crew doing reviews, plus weekly content on this blog and on youtube, plus full-time homeschooling, and trying to fit in all the other things that life throws at you.

I couldn’t do it anymore. So I just stopped.

Taking Time For Me

One day, I made the decision that I didn’t have it in me anymore. I honestly did not enjoy creating content anymore because I was just too tired. I felt uninspired and unmotivated. In all honesty, I didn’t even feel like myself anymore.

I was burnt out.

Over the past few months, I made ME a priority.

I made a conscious choice to be mindful of my thoughts, my emotions, and how my body was feeling. Instead of continuing to push through, I decided that enough was enough and things needed to change. I was worth more than the value I was putting on myself.

I learned a lot about myself these past few months.

I have grown in many ways. Ignoring the external pressure to please others, I decided that the best person to please would be myself. My spirituality has become something I am embracing as opposed to something I am suppressing. My daily life is now focused on embracing the moments instead of just getting through them. I am focused on being the best version of myself because I am worth it – and my family deserves the best version of me (not an exhausted, bitchy mommy).

I am back.

I am feeling great on many different levels.

Personal development and growth is such an individual journey but I would love to share it with you. In no way am I an expert. Perhaps that is what makes it even more appealing – I am going to mess up on this journey and honestly, so will everyone else.

How freeing is that?

To know that you are not alone on this, sometimes messed up, journey called life.

I love being a teacher and learning new things. Sharing information and ideas is something I have always been passionate about – which is why I wanted to blog in the first place. It is time I reconnected with that why. I want to share what I have learned because I feel it is so important to continue to learn – for when we stop learning, we stop growing…

Never stop growing.

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