People often love to share their opinions about how you choose to live your life and parent your children. When you decide to homeschool, be prepared.

Be Confident In Your Choice To Homeschool

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People often love to share their opinions about how you choose to live your life and parent your children. When you decide to homeschool, be prepared.

People often love to share their opinions about how you choose to live your life and parent your children. When you decide to homeschool, be prepared.


Homeschooling is becoming more common, but it is still not the norm in society.

Most of my generation, in my area, grew up in the public school system.  I know more people who went to private school than I do who were homeschooled as children.  Homeschooling just wasn’t that common of a form of education when I was in school.

It is amazing how that has shifted over the years.

More and more parents are researching homeschooling as a means to educate their children.  The reasons why they are seeking this option is as unique as the students themselves.

Our province has over 11,000 registered homeschool students, and that number grows each and every year.

As more and more parents make the decision to pursue homeschooling, more and more people have an opinion about it.


Homeschool Naysayers

The public school system has a lot of strong and vocal supporters. Our choice to homeschool goes against what they believe is the best way to educate children – but that does not mean it is what is meant for you and your family.

I have many ties to public school in my family.

Many aunts who are are teachers.  My dad retired only recently from the local school board.  So deciding to homeschool was a hard one for me and announcing that decision to my family was even harder.

When you tell people that you are homeschooling, a lot of assumptions are made as to why.  Many people asked if I had something against the public school system.  The answer to that question is not so simple, but ultimately it was not my reason for choosing to homeschool over sending my children to public school.

When my husband and I first bought a house, we bought a house right around the corner from a school.  But after our first was born, we knew that that was not the path for our family.

It wasn’t the right fit.

And then when we announced that we were choosing to unschool – that was one of the scariest and most exciting decisions I have ever made. I am confident in my decision to live this unschooling lifestyle.

So how do I deal with homeschool naysayers?

With confidence and positivity.

No matter the decisions that you make as a parent, someone will always have an opinion about it.

Being confident in your decision, and ultimately know why you make it, will help you get through the tough times.

Remember your why.

We have many videos on our YouTube channel that cover our decision to homeschool.

Whenever I am feeling interrogated about my decisions, I remember why I choose to live this way.

I remind myself that this is a decision I made with the best interest of myself and my family at heart.

It was an educated decision, not a rash one.

I am a confident woman who is perfectly capable to educate her children.  This I know.  And this is what I remind myself on a daily basis when dealing with homeschool naysayers.


People often love to share their opinions about how you choose to live your life and parent your children. When you decide to homeschool, be prepared.

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