Are you looking for some online game schooling resources? Check out EdAlive and this review for Typing Tournament Online and Maths Invaders Online!

EdAlive Review

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Are you looking for some online game schooling resources? Check out this review for EdAlive. We were able to test out both Typing Tournament Online and Maths Invaders Online!

Recently, The Homeschool Review Crew was given the opportunity to review two different programs from EdAlive. We loved these programs so much and when I finally sat down to write this blog review, I couldn’t contain the words that were flowing!

In order to make it easier for you to find the information you are looking for, I have broken this review into three sections.

This article is the general overview of EdAlive and the programs.


EdAlive is an Australian software company whose goal is to build educational software that inspires and motivates children to learn through fun.

Every chance for every child.

EdAlive promotes the saying “Every chance for every child”.

We believe that every child is special and that education gives them the best opportunity to live life to the fullest. If you educate a child you empower a nation. That’s why our software and web sites make the highest quality resources available for all children and help to bridge the digital divide.


The founder, Graham East, was a primary school teacher before supplying educational software to schools and home educators. Because of this, he knows that children progress at their own paces and this is apparent in the software he sells.

As you many know, we are unschoolers. Allowing children to progress at their own pace and not comparing them to other’s with whom they share a birth year is very important to us. This is one of the many reasons we liked these programs – there was never a huge focus on their grade level. It is just fun and engaging games.

For this review, we had the opportunity to use both Typing Tournament Online and Maths Invaders Online.

If you are a game schooler, you might want to look into these programs as they are a great resource to add to your homeschool tool kit! But honestly, no matter what type of home educator you are, your children might really enjoy these programs like my family does.

These programs would also be great options for parents looking to add a little bit extra in addition to the curriculum covered by their school system if your child really embraces learning in a digital space.

Typing Tournament Online

The first of the two EdAlive programs we tried was Typing Tournament Online.

Typing Tournament Online is a web-based program that teaches typing through online play. You work through a series of lessons (as pictured below) and drills to increase your typing skills and then the fun begins.

Once you have completed the lessons and drills, you move onto the game section of the program. The games were definitely the favourite part of the program for my 5 year old. He is still working on learning to read and letter recognition so he really enjoyed the Powder Keg game which has the player shoot a cannon at the powder keg by typing the correct letter.

There are three different games to choose from:

  • Siege
  • Powder Keg
  • Dragon Chase

My eldest child really likes doing the speed tests. His goal is to be able to type faster than I can. To reach his goal, he has been constantly practising the different lessons and drills so he can increase his typing words per minute.

For more in-depth information about this program, please check out my full review of Typing Tournament Online from EdAlive.

Maths Invaders Online

If you grew up playing Space Invaders than you might feel a little nostalgic with this game. I sure did.

Maths Invaders Online uses two different game modes, as well as a practice mode, to encourage children to have fun doing maths. My boys loved these games and I would randomly find them playing them, even without being asked to work on math.

Are you looking for a fun math program to add to your homeschool tool kit? If your children love space themes or retro games check out Math Invaders Online from EdAlive.

Galactic Campaign

The Galactic Campaign, as seen above, reminds me of Space Invaders. You are a ship that moves horizontally along the bottom of the playing field and descending from the top are math questions. You have to answer the questions correctly and shoot at the correct “space ship” in order to progress and level up.

Space Rescue

Space Rescue is a fun, muliplayer game that has the players hunting for hidden ships in the galaxy. Using math questions to fill up your scanner, you scan the map of the galaxy trying to locate and rescue the missing ships.

My boys all really enjoyed both of these math programs. They found them engaging and entertaining. They loved being able to play Space Rescue together, though sometimes it got a little competitive!

For more in-depth information about this program, please check out my full review of Maths Invaders Online from EdAlive.

Are you looking for some online game schooling resources? Check out EdAlive and this review for Typing Tournament Online and Math Invaders Online!

Overall, we really loved our experience with both of these programs from EdAlive.

I love adding resources to our homeschooling toolkit that I do not need to force my children to use. Both of these programs were opened independently by all 3 of my school aged children on multiple occasions. I would find them playing these game when I had not asked them too.

I find that when learning happens through genuine interest then the experience is always much more valuable.

The reviews don’t stop here! Make sure to check out other reviews from The Homeschool Review Crew:

Typing Tournament & Maths Invaders Online {EdAlive Reviews}


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