Taking Control Of My Health – Green Juice
To improve and grow as individuals, we need to understand who we are. These journal prompts for self-reflection are designed to be used with stream of consciousness journaling to help you become the best you possible.
Large Family Style Meal Prep For A Busy Mom
Feeding a family, especially a large family, can be time-consuming. This meal prep for a busy Mom shows that meal prep doesn’t have to be hard! Since we have stopped buying convenience snacks for our cupboards, I really need to be on top of my meal preparations. Eating foods that are ingredients themselves instead of buying foods made of way too many ingredients is really helping our bodies feel better. The downside is that sometimes this way of eating can be more time-consuming. See our blog about transitioning to minimalist food. Removing the quick and easy snacks has taken a bit of preparation, but it is definitely worth it. Hopefully, within…