The Season of Change
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Life is always changing. Your life ebbs and flows through different periods as your interest and desires change. It is the season of change.
What Are Seasons?
-a period of the year characterized by particular conditions or activities
-any definite or indefinite periodCollins Dictionary
We use the word seasons to separate times in our lives. A lot of the time, we think of seasons in broader and generic terms. Terms that are reflective of a society or groups of people as a whole.
- The Christmas Season
- Spring (or the rainy season)
- Hockey season
- Hunting season
The change of season between winter and spring has obvious clues. The melting of snow. The emerging flowers. The exact moment for the change of season is when the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night is the same.
But we also have seasons that are reflective of us as individuals.
The seasons of our lives are not always as predictable or marked by such definitive moments. Our lives are always changing. As individual humans, as parents, as families, we all have different needs and desires. These needs and desires cause ebbs and flows of life to change. Our lives change.
Perhaps you are in a season of change right now.
There are many different factors that can cause change and variance in our lives. Change is our lives can be scary. It can be scary for us, and it can be scary for our families and friends who are watching these changes from the outside looking in.
Perhaps you have manifested your dream job, or just found out you were pregnant. Physical changes in our lives can change how we interact with others and our environment on a daily basis. Certain ideas or concepts can even change how you interact within yourself.
New seasons can develop because of the new ideas you embrace. These seasons may only last a few days or may establish lifelong changes. New seasons can come because of new opportunities.
Some changes are easy to accept, like those of a promotion at work or welcoming a new baby. Some changes are hard for others to comprehend, like changing to a vegan diet or severing ties with a friend. When the season of change is upon us, there are unknowns.
This can be scary and exhilarating at the same time.
When I discovered the law of attraction, I made an internal shift.
No longer was I going to dwell on the negative in my life. This brought on a season of change for my whole mindset. I realized that I held more power than I ever knew. I could take control of the seasons in my life and accept them for what they are.
Sometimes you have to say no to things in your life. These things just don’t fit with your life.
You might have a desire to do something or accept invitations from friends, but life is just not lining up the way you want it to and you have to say no. Things do not always work out.
This is ok.
You are just in a different season of your life, and the seasons can change!
As a parent, I have had to decline many opportunities because it was just not in line with the season we were in. Winter hikes with a newborn were not doable. Trips to the mountains did not always work into the vacation schedule. Organic foods are not always financially feasible.
We all have times in our lives when things are not perfect. These are just seasons, and seasons change.
I have learned that I do not have to be apologetic for these seasons.
The season you are in does not define you as a person, only the particular conditions that define certain parameters of your life.
Just because I cannot go outside every day does not change my enthusiasm for the environment. I may not be able to take vacation time to go on a trip but that does not mean the people who invited us to join them are not invaluable friends. If I cannot afford organic product this week, it has not changed my desire to feed my family the most nourishing food I can. It simply means that at this moment in life, during this season, things are different.
There is nothing wrong with different. Seasons can change and frequently do.
Sometimes the season of change bring about new opportunities and opens doors you never even imagined could be unlocked for you.
Our family is amongst a big season of change. There are many doors closing but many new ones are opening.
This autumn we have many new and exciting things planned.
We have had to make major decisions, hard decisions, but it is worth it. By slowly embracing and implementing these changes into our lives, we are able to work through these changes. We are slowly announcing changes to family and friends who would be affected by these changes.
Even our social media presence is changing because of activities which we are excited about. This season of change will only be temporary while we work through other shifts within our lives.
Just like the hockey season overlaps different weather seasons; we too have overlapping seasons. Different aspects of our lives and businesses overlap creating varying circumstances in our existence.
Do you have a season that defines your life in this moment?
Perhaps you are focused on establishing your career. Maybe you have just discovered the concept of zero waste and you are making big shifts in your life to embrace this new idea.
I would love to hear about the season you are embracing or if it is a season of change for you. Let me know in the comments!
I hope your season of change brings you abundance in all aspects of your life. Thanks for reading!