We are on a journey to create a zero waste home. We love books and have rediscovered our love of the library through zero waste living and minimalism.

Zero Waste Living By Utilizing The Library

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We are on a journey to create a zero waste home. We love books and have rediscovered our love of the library through zero waste living and minimalism.

We are on a journey to create a zero waste home. We love books and have rediscovered our love of the library through zero waste and minimalism.

My family and I love going to the library.

I used to buy way too many books; more than I would ever be able to read.  When out and about, I would find great sales and just buy whatever sparked my interest at the moment.

When I discovered minimalism, and then later zero waste living, I decided I needed to work on my addiction to buying and owning books.

The biggest change that I have made on my zero waste living and minimalism journey is concerning my books.  I still own what many people would consider to be a lot of books.  That being said, I have sold, donated, and recycled hundreds (if not thousands) of books over the past 4 years.

No longer do I buy books to read once.  If I want to read it I will borrow it from the library.  After I have borrowed it, and read it, I will then decide if I want to buy it.  There are a few books that I have bought but many I decide that I do not need to own.

Recently, we have been making the effort to go to the library on a weekly basis.

Check out our hauls from the past two weeks!


Week One Book Haul

I have been challenging myself to read more books this year.  I am focusing on books that will improve who I am as a person.  These are the books I got for myself this week:

My children also picked out many books to read.  They love reading and I love reading to them.  This is what they picked this week:


Week Two Book Haul

We are on a journey to create a zero waste home. We love books and have rediscovered our love of the library through zero waste living and minimalism.

This week I took advantage of the cookbook section.  I was inspired by the cookbook I borrowed last week to try some more new recipes.  I also found a homemade beauty supply book which absolute love.  If I buy any of these books, it might be that one!

The boys picked out all of these fun books:

If you have any recommendations for books I should look for, please let me know in the comments below!

Have a fantastic day!

We are on a journey to create a zero waste home. We love books and have rediscovered our love of the library through zero waste living and minimalism.

P.S.  Don’t forget to check out our Book List for more books!

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