As a large family mom, who cooks from scratch, there are things that I need in my kitchen to function on a daily basis. This is our large family minimalism.

Kitchen Tour | Large Family Minimalism

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As a large family mom, who cooks from scratch, there are things that I need in my kitchen to function on a daily basis. This is our large family minimalism.

As a large family mom, who cooks from scratch, there are things that I need in my kitchen to function on a daily basis. This is our large family minimalism.

My life, as a minimalist, would look a lot different if I were living by myself. The things I would need would be a lot fewer than they are now. But as a large family minimalist and mom, who cooks almost every meal from scratch, at home, there are things that I need in my kitchen to function on a daily basis.

The Basics

The most frequently asked question I get, when it comes to my kitchen, is how many plates, bowls, and utensils do we have.

We used to have matching place settings for 16 people. It was a dish set I inherited and, while I loved the dishes, I found it overwhelming. We would literally wait to wash the dishes until we had no more plates. Part of this was just a bad habit but part was also just taking advantage of having so many plates available.

Now, we have place settings for 6 people.

Or at least that was the plan. We still have 6 dinner plates but at the moment we are down to 5 lunch plates. We also, originally, had 6 pasta bowls. After a week of having those bowls, one broke. Amazon sent us a whole new set instead of just replacing the one so now we have 11. We have been shopping around for a new lunch plate as well, but it seems like it will more cost effective to just buy the whole 6 piece set again.

We also have a few different sized bowls. For bowls, they came in either sets of 8 or 10 so we have more than we need. Our family has a pretty good track record for breaking dishes so soon we will be down to our 6 place settings per person.

As for utensils, the set we received as a wedding gift over a decade ago is the set we are using. Some spoons have gone missing and we seem to have collected extra butter knives, but the set still works for us and we do not feel a need to replace it or get rid of a certain amount just to have a minimal amount of utensils.

As a large family mom, who cooks from scratch, there are things that I need in my kitchen to function on a daily basis. This is our large family minimalism.

Large Family Minimalism

This is what works for us.

Your needs may be different and that is what is wonderful about the world of minimalism – it is a journey to find what works for you. Whether you are an individual who stumbled upon this article or a large family minimalism newbie, these numbers and figures are just what works for me and my family.

Try things out and see what works for you and your family.

Kitchen Tour

Want to see how our large family minimalism actually functions in real life? Check out this kitchen tour!

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