Habit Stacking – A Book Review
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Do you ever feel like you could use your time in a more productive manner? That’s me. When Habit Stacking was recommended to me I immediately bought it.
One of my goals for 2018 is to read more. I originally aimed high and said I was going to read 52 books this year but as a busy mom, I have decided that quality is better than quantity. Quality is exactly what I found in the latest book I read. Habit Stacking by S.J. Scott is a great book about developing habits which will help you change your life and reach your goals.
Habit Stacking by S.J. Scott came up as a suggested book on my kindle unlimited at the right time.
I had just finished reading an unrelated book (see review here) and I was perusing recommended titles. There were so many different titles of all different genres and I just kept browsing a going further and further from the original topics. That is when I stumbled upon Habit Stacking. It stuck out to me – I didn’t know what it was but I was intrigued.
I read a brief synopsis and thought it sounded like something I would enjoy and fit with my goals to read books that would better my life.
Where can I buy it?
Check out the price of Habit Stacking on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2lDVCYS
Habit Stacking: 127 Small Changes To Improve Your Health, Wealth, and Happiness by S.J. Scott is a great read.
It is about developing small routines by habit stacking.
We all know how hard it is to create new habits. It takes a lot of dedication for new habits to take hold, but it is a lot easier to create routines that will help us establish new habits.
One example that Scott gives in the book, that I really enjoyed, was using the gym. Instead of telling yourself that you are going to go to the gym after work, incorporate tasks into your habit stacking that will allow you to reach that goal. He suggests that you pack your gym bag in the morning so that it is ready to go and you cannot use being unprepared as an excuse not to go.
I think this is such a great idea.
Sometimes I have such big goals that getting started is hard. But if I can break down my big goals into smaller tasks that will help me reach success then it is not as scary to start. These small tasks only take a few minutes to complete and are not intimidating like just reaching for the big goals.
I really enjoyed this book.
Implementing Into My Life
Since reading Habit Stacking, I have been putting his morning routine suggestions into practice.
As a busy mom, my morning routine looks different than the examples in the book, but I am really enjoying it. I find myself easily completing my habit stacking routine every morning.
I have been working on my morning routine for about 2 months now. Some things have stuck and others have been replaced. No longer do I stress about messing up my morning routine. Instead, I see tasks that I fail to be able to accomplish during my habit stack as tasks that are unneeded at that time.
Learning new skills takes time and practice, even habit stacking.
Do you have a morning routine or practice habit stacking in your daily life? Share your experience in the comments!

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