Being a mom can be overwhelming at times. Taking time for meditation is a very important part of my morning routine. Check out my meditation space!

My Meditation Space

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Being a mom can be overwhelming at times. Taking time for meditation is a very important part of my morning routine. Check out my meditation space!

Creating a space that is your own is very important.

My children’s belongings have taken over what used to be my spaces. I welcome their belongings and treasures into my life but it is still important to allow myself to have a space that is my own.

We do not live in a large home.

My children do not have a playroom, nor do they keep toys in their room. Communal spaces, like the living room, have become a congregating space for everyone. It is where we read stories, play Legos, build train tracks, and play video games. But it is also where I like to relax while my children play independently.

As my children have grown, I have been able to take more time for myself.

Taking time for myself, and creating a space that is sacred to me is a very important part of my morning routine. I love taking the time for me – to start the day off on the right foot.

I love my meditation space.

Being a mom can be overwhelming at times.  Taking time for meditation is a very important part of my morning routine.  Check out my meditation space!

Want to see where I bought this XL Salt lamp? Check out this video!

Salt Lamps and Crystals

I love beautiful things that improve the energy in a space.

Whether you believe in the power of salt lamps and crystals is up to you. But one thing I bet we can all agree on is how pretty they are. I love the ambiance that my salt lamp and crystals adds to my meditation space.

I have a variety of crystals which I use for different meditation practices.

Depending on if I am focusing of business growth or a personal relationship, I will reach for different crystals to aid in my meditation.

I might reach for my aventurine or citrine if I am concerned about finances. Rose quartz if I am thinking of a loved one or focusing on self love. I am hoping to acquire some tourmaline for balance and grounding.

Salt lamps emits a very beautiful coloured light as the bulb shines through the pink Himalayan salt. I do not know if its the negative ions being emitted from it or if it is just the atmosphere it creates, but I feel a lot more relaxed when my salt lamps are on.

Being a mom can be overwhelming at times.  Taking time for meditation is a very important part of my morning routine.  Check out my meditation space!

A Peaceful Place

In the morning, while I enjoy my tea, I will take time to myself and meditate.

I love focusing on gratitude and positive affirmations to start my day out. When I start my day in this way, I feel the whole day starts on a better foot. There are days when I do not have time to meditate and, for whatever reason, those days tend to be a lot more stressful. Even if I have time to meditate later in the day.

My meditation space allows me to have a place where I can sit and focus on being mindful and aware of my spiritual and physical being. A place that my children know not to interrupt Mommy.

It is like a Mommy time out spot.

I do not need to create a space to do this every day, it is always set up and ready to be utilized. It is a space that I can go to when I am overwhelmed or needing a moment to myself.

I am always adding to my meditation space.

Recently, I added a snake plant which is thriving (I don’t have the best of luck with house plants!) and seems very happy in this space.

What do you have in your meditation space that makes it special for you?

Want to see where I bought this XL Salt lamp?  Check out this video!

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