My Imperfect Bullet Journal
All across social media are images of beautiful, perfect bujos, which can intimidate. To inspire you to start your own, here is my imperfect bullet journal.
Tracking Accomplishments: April Bullet Journal Set Up
I love being able to look through my bujo for inspiration. Tracking accomplishments, projects and progress in my bullet journal keeps me motivated. For me, my journals allow me to track my accomplishments for the day and it gives me a visual reminder of how much I have actually done.
11 Journal Prompts for Self Reflection
To improve and grow as individuals, we need to understand who we are. These journal prompts for self-reflection are designed to be used with stream of consciousness journaling to help you become the best you possible.
Minimalist Bullet Journal – March Plan With Me
Check out this Minimalist Bullet Journal! This plan with me for the month of March embraces a minimalistic style with simple colours and formatting.
Setting Up My 2019 Bullet Journal To Reach Goals and Create Habits
I will be tracking habits and goals in 2019 using my BULLET JOURNAL. Plan with me as I set up my monthly spreads and trackers. 2019 is going to be a big year. I have lots of goals that I want to reach and habits that I want to establish. 2018 was a wonderful year. It may have not been as productive as I would have liked but, as a result, I ended up doing a lot of meditation and self-reflection. I have ended 2018 with a better idea of who I am as a woman, a wife, a mother, an entrepreneur… As we move forward into a new year,…