School’s Out! Unschooling Year End Report
School's Out! It is summer and we are excited for warmer weather and new adventures. We just had our unschooling year-end meeting and are officially done!
Why We Unschool
Why would anyone want to unschool? The reason why we unschool is we want to embrace the curiosity and enjoyment of learning that children naturally have.
Our Discovery of Unschooling
There are so many approached to homeschooling. When we discovered unschooling, we were hooked. Here is our story about how we discovered unschooling.
Trust Your Children to Learn – Unschooling Life
One of the hardest things, when joining the unschooling world, is learning to trust your children. How will they learn the fundamentals? Trust them.
SchoolhouseTeachers.com Review from an Unschooling Mom
What kind of resources work for unschooling? Check out this SchoolhouseTeachers.com review and see if it might be a perfect fit for your family. I am always looking for resources and tools to add to the learning environment in our home. While curricula are not our preferred methods of learning, I love having different resources in our home (both physical and digital). Recently I had the pleasure of exploring a great website called SchoolhouseTeachers.com (http://www.SchoolhouseTeachers.com/). This SchoolhouseTeachers.com review is for the Ultimate Annual Yearly Membership. SchoolhouseTeachers.com is a division of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and a wonderful resource for online learning. There are over 400 classes currently available with more being…
I am A Lazy Mom – The Truth About Unschooling
Unschooling happens without the use of curriculum, testing, schedules and grades. Am I a lazy Mom? Here is the truth about unschooling. Because I put my life on the internet, people feel the need to comment on me as a person even though they have only watched one YouTube video or seen one Instagram post. It is amazing how many times I have been called a lazy parent on my unschooling videos. You would think that I sat on the couch staring at my phone or having a nap the entire video! But instead, I am playing with my kids, cooking with my kids, reading stories and playing board games. …
Be Confident In Your Choice To Homeschool
People often love to share their opinions about how you choose to live your life and parent your children. When you decide to homeschool, be prepared. Homeschooling is becoming more common, but it is still not the norm in society. Most of my generation, in my area, grew up in the public school system. I know more people who went to private school than I do who were homeschooled as children. Homeschooling just wasn’t that common of a form of education when I was in school. It is amazing how that has shifted over the years. More and more parents are researching homeschooling as a means to educate their…
Homeschool In Pajamas
Pajamas, PJs, or pyjamas, whichever way you spell it, they are super comfortable articles of clothing which my children would live in if they could. One of the benefits of homeschooling is that you can learn in the comfort of your own home while in your pajamas. You can homeschool in pajamas without any social stigmas or boundaries being pushed or broken. Jack and Walter reading Pirasaurs from our library haul! Society has all sort of opinions around what is and what is not acceptable in terms of clothing, especially when it comes to students in school. The world of fashion is a complex one that I, personally, have never understood. …
Please Don’t Quiz Child – Homeschool Storytime
While at the grocery store, my homeschool children were quizzed by a random stranger. This is our story...
Questions For A Homeschool Mom
There are so many misconceptions about what homeschooling really is. The main reason for these misconceptions is that all homeschoolers are lumped together into one big category when, in reality, there are so many different types of homeschooling and homeschoolers. We are life learners or unschoolers. This does not mean that we do not educate our children. That is a misconception for another post. We do educate our children, just not in a very obvious way. There is no desk work, no worksheets, no classroom. Learning encompasses our entire life, and we learn through being apart of the world around us. I was recently invited to do a video collaboration on YouTube. …